The given article presents the investigation of the subject of transfer of the lexical meaning of “plurality”. Investigational aim is to figure out the way of forming lexical meaning of plurality together with the construction in the language system and defining the usage of language levels. To gain this aim several methods were used, such as: analysis, synthesis, functional-semantic sphere, analogy, induction, deduction and descriptive investigation. As a result, at the process of research we found that, in the both languages (Kyrgyz and English) the meaning of plurality is given only by Nouns, secondly – in Kyrgyz plurality is presented by lexical means, whereas, in English it is formed by morphological means, and one more idea to add is in English plurality mostly is formed by synthetic means. Scientific value of the article is in that in previous structural-descriptive Grammar plurality meaning referred mainly to direction - “from form to meaning”, but provided structural analysis showed that there was less attention to the semantic meaning. That is why, scientific value of the research lies in the aspect of from meaning to form in the Kyrgyz and English languages. Out of proved results scientific and practical meaning on the research shows that, the forming plurality meaning in Kyrgyz and English functionally is given by lexical means – functional structural aspect of descriptive research. Learning other languages we base on meaning of words, their word formation, other linguistic levelled units, thus it is easy to learn foreign languages and to form the skills to communicate.