In the work done, the subject of the study is the provision of outpatient surgical care to the population at the primary level. The purpose of the study is to study, based on the application of Kaizen (lean manufacturing), ways to optimize the provision of outpatient surgical care at the primary level to eliminate unnecessary functions and procedures that create additional work, costs that do not create additional values. The main research methods were analysis and peer review. On the basis of the study, data were obtained: as a result of incorrect organization of the work of a primary care surgeon, control over the treatment of the patient is lost and the quality of medical care is reduced. And also recommended ways to optimize this assistance to eliminate unnecessary procedures and costs. The value of the obtained results lies in the fact that for the first time the elements of Kaizen (lean manufacturing) were applied to optimize the organization of outpatient surgical care. The practical significance of the obtained data lies in the identification of costs that create additional work, but do not create additional value. Kaizen elements can be applied at any stage of outpatient surgical care: diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation. Therefore research should and will be ongoing.