FEATURES OF THE ECONOMIC LIFE OF THE KYRGYZ IN THE FERGHANA REGION (second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century)


  • А.А. Жакиев




The article attempts to analyze the features of the economic life of the Kyrgyz, who lived in the volosts of the Fergana region in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, in 1911-1913 yy. The Statistical Committee of the KR conducted research to determine the land use norms of the nomadic Kyrgyz, on the basis of which collections of great source study significance were published. In this work, by conducting a historical and comparative analysis of the materials in the collections, the main attention was paid to the characteristics of the nomadic economy of the Kyrgyz. Among the Kyrgyz living in the districts of the Fergana region, there is an increasing tendency to switch from cattle breeding to agriculture. As a result, started the process of settlement among the Kyrgyz according to the type of farming; as a result, nomadic livestock farming, sedentary farming and mixed forms of farming coexisted in the region. At the same time, cattle breeding remained as the main source of income in areas, located in mountainous areas. The article also notes the great influence of natural geographical factors, settled population and migrants on the characteristics of the economic life of the Kyrgyz people.


2024-12-28 — Updated on 2024-12-30


