In this article, the subject of research is a pyrolysis plant and process of obtaining semi-coke and pyrolysis (technical) gas from low-grade coals of the Southern region of Kyrgyzstan. Studies were carried out to determine the economic efficiency of the pyrolysis plant in the production of semi-coke and gas from low-grade coals. For the production of semi-coke and gas, an improved design of the pyrolysis plant is used, which has a cylindrical shape of a two-layer type, in the process of obtaining semi-coke, the plant is filled with solid fuel. The process of thermochemical processing takes place by burning the surface of the coal backfill from top to bottom. In the process of experimental studies in the processing of low-grade coals, gas formation begins at a temperature of 3200C and ends at a temperature of about 8500C until the final product is obtained. In the pyrolysis plant, during the thermochemical processing of coal, coal is pre-dried and gasified simultaneously. The obtained research results allow us to determine the economic effect of semi-coke from low-grade coals of the Southern region of Kyrgyzstan when using a pyrolysis plant and it can be used in heat and power, social facilities and other sectors of the national economy of our Republic.