This article is devoted to the legal education of students. In the scientific article, the subject of the research is the development of legal education of students in the educational process. The main goal is to determine the theoretical foundations for the development of legal education of students in a single pedagogical process of the university. And also revealed the pedagogical conditions for the formation of legal education. The article presents research methods of psychological, philosophical and pedagogical theoretical research. The article analyzes the level of formation of the legal education of teachers of general educational organizations, it is determined that teachers do not fully understand and realize the importance of legal knowledge as a means of realizing their professional duties and personal interests. It was revealed that they are poorly aware of the regulatory framework of educational institutions related to legal education. And also the components of the formation of the legal competence of future teachers are determined: motivational-value; cognitive pedagogical; activity-reflective; legal awareness; legal and cultural; legal action and behavioral. The authors recommend the creation of special sites on the legal aspect in the formation of the legal education of students using new information and communication technologies and the placement of legal materials.