This article examines how the subject of research is pedagogy, philosophy, sociology, it is necessary to educate young people for the development of society. When determining modern views on the problem of tolerance education, the goal was to reveal the ideas about the qualities of interpersonal forgiveness, tolerance, tolerance. In this study, the methods of questions and answers, analysis, analysis were used. Tolerance is a value attitude towards people, according to which it is shown that a person should have his own personal life position and develop a perception, way of thinking and culture different from his own, as well as treat people regardless of their nationality, professionalism, disability or religion.It became known that in increasing the tolerance of students of secondary vocational educational institutions, through interpersonal communication among young people, it is necessary to form the qualities of kind to each other, peaceful coexistence, non-recognition of people by nationality, respect for people in general, and others. It was confirmed that the application in the organization of the educational process in general education institutions, vocational colleges and higher educational institutions will give good results