In this paper, the subject of research is technological equipment for the processing and upgrading oflow-grade coals of the southern region of Kyrgyzstan to produce semi-coke and technical gas. The aim of the study is to analyze the known designs and schemes of technological equipment for the processing of hard and brown coals using pyrolysis plants in which a thermochemical process takes place. To obtain final products in the from of coke and semi-coke, the types of pyrolysis plants of manufacturers from
countries of independent states and foreign countres are considered. The technological equipment under consideration is used for the processing of waste wood, peat, various waste oil sludge, hard and brown coal. In this paper, when obtaining the final resuits of the research, methods of review, analysis and comparison of the main indicators of known technological equipment were used. And the practical value of the work lies in obtaining an environmentally friendly product in the form of semi-coke and industrial gas using the pyrolysis plants developed at the Institute of Natural Resources. The article provides comparative data on the main indicators of well-known technological equipment from countries of independent states and foreign manufacturers of pyrolysis plants and their distinctive features, as well as these equipment are compared with the developments of the Institute of Natural Resources of the Southern Branch of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Institute of Natural Resources has developed several types of pyrolysis plants for the production of semi-coke from low-grade brown coals of the southern region. The main scientific results of the developed pyrolysis plants can be used in productijn to obtain secondary raw materials from hard and brown coal waste, which are successfully used in thermal power plants, social facilities and boiler plants and factories for the production of bricks, cements, etc.