

International scientific journal “Science. Education. Technique" published by the Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after Batyraly Sydykov 3 times a year. It publishes the main results of scientific research (dissertations) in 12 areas of science.

Scientific article in the journal “Science. Education. Technique" can be presented in Kyrgyz, Russian and English, with the signature of the author (s). Simultaneously with the article, the author(s) submit(s) a review by a member of the editorial board, a conclusion expert commission (leading scientists) and checking using the Anti-Plagiarism system. Afterwards a bilateral Agreement is signed to carry out scientific and publishing works.

By submitting an article to the editors of the journal “Science. Education. Technique", the author(s) free of charge transfer(s) to the publishing house for the duration of the copyright under the current legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic the exclusive right to use the article or its separate part (if the editorial board accepts the article for publication) in the territory of all states where Copyrights, by virtue of international treaties of the Kyrgyz Republic, are protected, including the following rights: reproduction, distribution, public display, communication to the public and processing (and the exclusive right to use the translated and/or revised work in the above ways).

Particular attention should be paid to the requirements for the content and design of the article, clarity and conciseness of style, accuracy and consistency in the presentation of the material. Requirements for the content and design of articles for publication in the journal “Science. Education. Technique”, taking into account its structure, are presented on the next page. The manuscript of the article is structured in the following sequence:

  1. UDC (index on universal decimal classification tables), located at the top left;
  2. FULL NAME. author (s), academic degree and title, position, name of organization are located at the top right;
  3. The title of the article (in Kyrgyz, Russian and English) is on the next line, in the center of the page;
  4. Abstract (in Kyrgyz, Russian and English languages) - on the following lines, aligned to the width of the page;
  5. Keywords (8-10 words, no more than two lines) - on the next line;
  6. Main text of the article;
  7. Conclusions from the research results;

The decision on publication is made by the editorial board of the journal after checking for plagiarism, expert opinion and peer review, taking into account the relevance, scientific novelty, practical and economic significance of the submitted materials.

The magazine is distributed by subscription through the catalogs of the state enterprise “Kyrgyz pochtas "(index - 77361), as well as through direct editorial subscription. Materials should be sent to the address: 723503, Osh, St. Isanova 79, Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after B. Sydykov, 2nd academic building. Editorial board of the international scientific journal “Science. Education. Technique".

Tel./fax: (03222) 4-20-64, 4-20-79, 5-53-45.


Web site:

Requirements to the content and design of articles for publication in the journal “Science. Education. Technique"

Requirements for the content and format of a scientific article are presented taking into account the structure of the manuscript.

Format, margins and page numbering

The article is presented in electronic and/or paper form. Designed in Microsoft editor Office, *. doc or *. docx, font 14, Times New Roman. A4 format. Margins: top and bottom 20 mm each; right – 15 mm; left – 30 mm. Don't use headers and footers. Page numbering is at the bottom right, starting from page 1.


The UDC code is entered on the first page (in capital letters), located at the top left. Font 1 4 (bold), Time New Roman .

FULL NAME. author (s)


On the next line (in Russian) your full name is indicated. author, lower academic degree, position in the organization, country are located on the right. Font 12 (italic), line spacing 1. For example:

Ivanov I.I.

Doctor of History, Prof. Kyrgyz-Uzbek Int. University, Kyrgyz Republic. Detailed information about the authors in Kyrgyz , Russian and English is presented at the end of the article, on a separate page.

Article title

The title of the article (in Kyrgyz, Russian and English) in capital letters is in the center of the page. Font 14 (bold), Time New Roman, line spacing 1.25. Please note that there is no period at the end of the title!



Translated into Kyrgyz, Russian and English languages (100 - 200 words) in lowercase letters. The abstract consists of 7 sentences: subject of research; purpose of the study; research methods; results; features (scientific value) of the results obtained; practical significance of the results obtained; recommendations on the prospects for research on this topic. Quoting and abbreviation are not allowed in the abstract. Formatting by aligning to the width of the page. Font 14 (italic), Time New Roman , line spacing 1.25.


Translated into Kyrgyz, Russian and English languages (8-10 words) in lowercase letters, no more than two lines. Words or phrases are separated from each other by a semicolon. Font 14 (bold), Time New Roman , line spacing 1.25.

Article text

The text of the article is formatted in font 14 (regular), line spacing 1.5. Paragraphs (“red line”) – 1.25 cm, should be inserted automatically, and not using the spacebar. Double or triple spaces are not allowed. The following logical structure of the article text is required:

1. Introductory part - an analysis of the works of scientists on this topic is carried out, their advantages and disadvantages are identified, the relevance of the topic, the purpose and objectives of the study are substantiated;

2. Research part – the selection of the scientific method (s) of research, the methodology for conducting research, a consistent and logical presentation of the research carried out;

3. The final part the main results of the study are presented consistently and clearly. A comparative analysis of the results obtained with known ones is carried out, a generalization is made. The scientific value and practical ­significance of the research results are determined and recommendations ­are formulated on promising directions for the development of research in this area. When using abbreviations for the first time, be sure to indicate their definition. International SI units must be used. The design of tables, figures and formulas must comply with the requirements of GOST 7.32. – 2001. Each table is provided with a title and inserted into the text after the paragraph with the first link to it. The table title is shown above the table on the left, aligned in width. Text in tables – font 12, spacing 1, Time New Roman. The number of tables is not limited. All components of the formula must be formatted in the “Math” macro Type " (font 14). Formulas are numbered in brackets, for example: (1), (2). Drawings must allow movement in the text and the ability to change sizes. Each figure is provided with an inscription and inserted into the text after the paragraph with the first link to it. Formation of the name and number of the drawing - font 12, regular, spacing 1. Graphic drawings must be of good quality. If there are inscriptions, the text should be displayed clearly. Photos must have a resolution of at least 300 or 600 dpi. Format of drawings and photographs – gif, jpeg. The number of figures is no more than 4. Please note that there is no dot at the end of the name of the table and figure!


The text of the article ends with a statement of the main conclusions. The main results of the study are briefly formulated, and the conclusions should contain enough information to assess the scientific value and practical significance of the work. Font 14 (regular), line spacing 1.5.


When borrowing material from other sources, reference to these sources is required. Links in the text are formatted with square brackets, for example: [1], [2-5]. Sources are indicated in the order cited in the text. All sources from the bibliography must be referenced in the text. The list of references is prepared in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules. Font 1 4 (regular), line spacing 1.25.

Total volume of the article

Volume of the article: in A4 format - from 7 to 16 pages including abstract, keywords, figures, tables and literature (up to 30,000 characters with spaces).

Information about the author(s)

At the end of the article, detailed information about the authors in Kyrgyz, Russian is provided on a separate page. and English languages. Last name, first name, patronymic of the author (s) - in full, position in the organization, academic degree, title. Postal code, country, city, street, apartment no., telephone: office or mobile, e- mail. Font 14 (regular), line spacing 1.25.

Checking in the Anti -Plagiarism system

The maximum norms for borrowing scientific articles after checking in the Anti-Plagiarism system should be: for technical, natural and mathematical, chemical, biological and medical sciences - 14%; for social and humanitarian studies - 24%.

Developed by Vice-Rector for Science of KUMU, Doctor of Technical Sciences.                    MM. Ismanov