Editorial Team

Chief Editor:

A.A. Mamasydykov, Rector of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after. B. Sydykova (KUMU named after B. Sydykov), Doctor of Economics

Deputy Chief Editor:

MM. Ismanov, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation of KUMU named after. B. Sydykova, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Executive Secretary:

Zh.T. Samieva, director of the Research Institute of Kumu named after. B. Sydykova, Doctor of Biological Sciences

Members of the editorial board:

Technical science

Abidov A.O. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Vorobiev A.E. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Kenzhaev I.G. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Mamasaidov M.T. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Marufy A.T. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Mendekeev R.A. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Physical and mathematical sciences

Dzhuraev A.M. – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Pankov P.S. – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Satybaev A.J. – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Tashpolotov Y.T. – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Kurbanaliev A.Y. – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Chemical and biological sciences

Zhumabaeva T.T. – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Murzubraimov B.M. – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Smailov E.A. – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Medical Sciences

Mamasaidov A.T. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Shatmanov S.T. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Mametov R.R. - Doctor of Medical Sciences

Economic Sciences

Kultaev T.Ch. – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Kozhoshev A.O. – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Raimbaev Ch.K. – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Kudbiev D. – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Historical and philosophical sciences

Asankanov A.A. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Baltabaeva A.T. – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at KUMU

Nurumbetov B.A. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Sharipova E.K. – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Philological sciences

Abduvaliev I. – Doctor of Philology, Professor

Zulpukarov K.Z. – Doctor of Philology, Professor

Madmarova G.A. – Doctor of Philology

Pedagogical Sciences

Babaev D.B. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Sakieva S.S. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Momunaliev S.M. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Legal sciences

Bazarbaev E.B. – Doctor of Law, Professor

Kokoeva A.M. – Doctor of Law, Professor at KUMU

Kuldysheva G.K. – Doctor of Law, Professor

Murzaibraimov N.B. – Doctor of Law, Professor

Geographical Sciences

Nizamiev A.G. – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor

Kamilova L.I. – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor at KUMU

Obdunov E.A. – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor